Executive Nominations

Executive Nominations

RMIT Journalism Society

Nominations for the 2023-2024 Executive team will become available closer to the end of the year.

Key Dates

Current Term Expires: Tuesday, 31 October

Election Dates: September or October

In the mean time, please reach out to us if you'd like to get involved!

Volunteer Support Opportunities

Commitment: Variable

As the year ramps up, the executive team will recruit volunteers for a range of other roles.  These people could assist with events, facilitate individual initiatives, or make representations on behalf of members.

If you don't see yourself running the show but you'd still like to be more involved in the society, the executive team would still love to hear from you.  Expressions of interest are accepted year-round.

Successful nominees could have any of the following:

  • involvement with the society
  • availability for one meeting a month
  • grassroots cohort connections
  • problem solving abilities under pressure
  • effective, detail-oriented planning abilities
  • the ability to thrive under complex and dynamic circumstances

To express interest: Email the executive team with a brief summary of what you can contribute to the society and we'll get back to you!