Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

BJJ at RMIT for all levels!

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a martial art, combat sport and a self-defence system that focuses on grappling and especially ground fighting.

Semester 2, 2024 Schedule:

  • No-Gi - Mondays: 6:30pm - 8:30pm Activity room 25 (city)
  • Gi - Wednesday: 6:30pm - 8:30pm Activity room 28 (city)
  • Open Mat (Gi & No-Gi) - Friday: 6:30pm - 8:30pm Activity room 28 (city)
  • Women's Classes (Gi & No-Gi) - Friday: 6:30pm - 8:30pm Activity room 25 (city)
  • Open Mat (Gi & No-Gi) - Sundays: 9:00am - 11:00am Activity room 28 (city)



  • Please follow @rmit_bjjclub on Instagram, all our updates will be there.


  • Yearly membership: $20 RMIT students/staff; $30 non RMIT
  • Semesterly training: $150
  • Come in for a free trial session if you want to meet us, or try out BJJ for the first time!

How to Join:

1. Become a member

    • Click on the "Join or Renew" button *on the top right-hand corner of this page.*

<- Looks like this

2. Purchase "2024 BJJ Semester Training Fee" below.

*Please make sure you purchase a Membership AND Semester Training*

For more info contact: