RMIT Occasional Choral Society (ROCS)

RMIT Choir

What is ROCS?

ROCS (RMIT Occasional Choral Society) is a student run choir at RMIT University. For over twenty years, ROCS has been bringing students together at RMIT to discover the joy of singing, and to develop music skills.

Do I have to Audition?

We are a non-auditioned choir dedicated to encouraging student participation in singing, and the development of musical skills through singing as a group. New members of all experience levels are welcome, you don't have to be able to read sheet music, and you don't have to have sung in a choir before!

Do I have to be a Student?

Although ROCS is operated by RMIT Students, we are also open to RMIT Staff and Alumni, as well as students from other universities, and members of the wider community who are looking for a safe and accepting place to sing.

When does ROCS rehearse?

We rehearse Thursday nights at 6.30 to 8.30 at RMIT University City Campus in the RMIT Kaleide Theatre Foyer on Level 2 of Building 8 (below Medical Hub RMIT), access is via Swanston Street.

 A map of RMIT showing Building 8

A map of RMIT showing Building 8

I don't know my voice part, is that okay?

That's fine! We encourage all members to try singing any voice part until they find where they are most comfortable singing. ROCS doesn't make assumptions about which voice part members may be most comfortable based on the gender of our members, and we have people of all genders in all vocal sections from Soprano to Bass.

I'm looking for more of a challenge, is there something for me?

ROCS also operates the CORP Choir for advanced singers. CORP sings more technically challenging music and will focus on one or two songs in a semester in addition to participating in regular ROCS rehearsals. CORP is an auditioned choir and Auditions are by appointment, please speak to our Musical Director for more information.

Are there opportunities to network with other universities?

ROCS is an affiliate member of the Australian Intervarsity Choral Societies Association.

ROCS members will have the opportunity to participate in the Australian Intervarsity Choral Festivals.

Recent Choral Festivals have been held in Melbourne, and Adelaide.

Future Choral Festivals are scheduled for South East Queensland, Sydney, and Canberra.

Are there opportunities to network with other RMIT Student Clubs?

ROCS is associated with RMIT Music

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